What an outstanding beautifully written article! Thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and will look forward to watching the documentary on the Constitutional Legal Scholar John Eastman.

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This is the price we pay as a nation, any nation, for abandoning God's Word & practices, as in Hag 1:1-11, 1 Sam 15:22-23, Deut 28:15-68, Mt 21:33-46!

We allowed our nation's culture to become toxic, corrupted, by NOT remaining 'vigilant' to pursue God's Will! Mt 7:21-23, Lk 8:21

Immorality, greed, licence ate away the Judeo-Christian foundations our forefathers had put in place! Mt 7:24-27

Now we must restore them in order to align ourselves with God's Will. Here is the Template we must follow:

Mt 6:33, Mt 6:9-10, Mt 28:18-20 => Is 9:6-7, Dan 7:27, (Hag 1:12-15) = Gen 1:27-28 = The Kingdom of God on earth!

The age of the 'Roman Republic' is over! Now we must 'Seek FIRST God's Kingdom' as Jesus mandated, & "Disciple the nation to OBEY all that Jesus taught us! As in the above Scriptures!

Not to, is TREASON in front of God's Will & His Kingdom!

Collectively America must re-build God's House, that is the NATION! Hag 1:12-15

Those who don't will be 'cast into the outer darkness to wail & gnash their teeth'! Mt 8:10-12, Mt 25:24-30

We were given the 'talent', that is God's 'grace', but what did we DO with that 'talent'? Bury it, corrupt it, abuse it or MULTIPLY it!

We will be held accountable for all our 'actions & thoughts'! Rom 2:12-16, Mt 5:27-28

'Cowards & the faithless' will go to Hell! Rev 21:8

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Reading the plight of John Eastman, Rudy Giuliani, et al, for defending Trump and pursuing 2020 Election integrity… this makes me ill. Our legal system is corrupt and gone hell. Corrupted by the swampy DC blob and all its minions. I pray President Trump & Team right the ship over the next 4 yrs.

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Give the Supreme Court a bathroom issue, it suddenly becomes an issue of their constitutional duty. The 2020 election, only three, had the balls to stand on principals. The rest failed miserably. Which stands to reason, we’re paying these people to fail at the basics of their job requirements.

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If there's an opening in the courts, Trump should nominate him....

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Many American citizens (residents, individuals, et al.) are having to represent themselves in what can only be described as the Administrative courts in the states and federal judiciary. Due Process and Equal Protection Under the Laws is almost non-existent in these courts; unless of course you're some member of a fringe group. Yet, there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel as more and more conservative lawyers, firms and causes are making their way up through the "courts".

Lawyers are supposed to advise their clients of their constitutional rights, and give them the necessary caselaw, law and options to aid their clients make the right choice and win against our fascistic and communistic administrative court system. This is not happening more and more, especially in state courts (more or less in "Blue States"). All one has to do is look at state family courts to see this bastardization of Due Process and Equal Protection. There is no courts system in the family court "arena". Judges tell litigants they have no constitutional rights in family courts--which is an abject lie. Judges tell litigants that family court is an "equity" court and the constitution doesn't apply in their courtroom. Pursuant to the U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 2, it unequivocally states: "The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution". So, when Judges and Family Court lawyers tell you that you have no rights in family court, they have committed treason against the Constitution, perjury, violations of their Constitutional Oaths of Office to Uphold, Support and Defend the U.S. Constitution, and other sundry federal and state laws. This is why more and more Americans are representing themselves in the "destruction of the family" courts. They cannot get any real legal representation (unless you have tens of thousands or millions of dollars) in the adminstrative court system. More Americans are also representing themselves in civil, criminal and probate courts, and even appellate division courts, and winning, because lawyers aren't worth the spit on the bottoms of their shoes. All lawyers want to do is drain the finances and resources of the litigants, and not represent them at all. Lawyers threaten to quit on litigants who challenge them about constitutional rights, whereby lawyers tell the litigants to follow their instructions or find another attorney.

Lawyers should be disbarred and be ordered to pay their clients back when they lose. And, in many cases lawyers should be sued and ordered to pay money damages for false advertisement and consumer fraud.

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Lawyers in some states are politicians that have passed laws protecting themselves and their bar association hacks from consumer fraud and false advertising. This should be immediately challenged and overturned in the courts as being unconstitutional conflicts-of-interest and criminal racketeering out to protect their own version of "The Mob".

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Dilemma ? If the system worked this wouldn’t even be a thought let alone a bloody dilemma

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After decades of embezzlement, bribery, rapes, lynching's, child sexual and physical abuse in public schools. and political violence and terrorism by N.C. judicial, law enforcement & government officials, aided by DOJ, FBI, other Federal Agencies & officials.


DA Offices used for rape, theft of public funds, child abuse & violence are NC's "Culture of Corruption," according to the FBI. Collusion to destroy any opponent to corruption, proponent of democracy, justice & public service.


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