As for election integrity, never forget that before Trump was elected, 198 Democrats in the House voted last year against the Republican SAVE ACT that passed the House and then Schumer and the Senate Democrats killed the bill in the Senate. It was simple legislation to ensure that only American citizens vote but the Democrats refused. It proves they want illegals to vote and allow a travesty that isn’t permitted in any other country in the world. And, oh yeah, Biden’s DOJ sued Virginia and Alabama for kicking illegals off of their voter registration rolls. Now that the Republicans have control, they need to immediately re-introduce and pass the "Save Act".

Also remember that dozens and dozens of countries have a national ID card that is also proof of citizenship. But here in the U.S. the Democrats still don't even want voter ID even though it's necessary to open a bank account, get a credit card, drive a car, turn on the water or electricity, pay rent, get a mortgage, board a plane, get food stamps or a hundred other functions of everyday life. It could save a trillion dollars and secure our elections. That tells you everything you need to know about the Democrat Party in America.

The Democrats hate you and hate the United States and want to destroy us as a sovereign nation and they deserve to be forever voted out of office.

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Democrats are pure evil.👿. If you don’t believe this, then you are blind and ignorant.

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The Democratic Party is evil!!!

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Evidence is being destroyed as we speak. We need swift seizure of evidence and arrests. Biden as VP did not have Presidential immunity. Biden can be convicted of theft of records and classified documents. Many others like Dick Cheney. They went after over a hundred Trump people, but now nothing.

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FOR STARTERS, to understand how much stupidity and disrespect for our system of government was on display during Trumps address, all one really has to do is, look at the history of Demonocrat players involved in the spectacle they made of themselves, as they pushed their ongoing CON attempt.

We can, for a couple of the hundreds of examples, go back to when Peloser violated law by tearing up a government document on video. We can review the star chambers crap Shifty and crowd initiated at the start of their historical Never Trump Derangement Syndrome

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Senator Graham is an example of a Senator bought and paid for. He backs war but is too gutless to fight one like many others.

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Too bad he lied. He is a Zionist pig like Biden

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You are so sad

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Sorry you’re not very well informed!

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Can i build a new city where you house is! And you am all your race have to leave?

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All US presidents were Zionist pigs except Ike and JFK.

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Your sick

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Trump wants to build hotels in Gaza! I am very informed!

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So you think hearing 1/2 of something is VERY INFORMED. YOUR WASTING MY TIME. BYE

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His strategy to get them to take care of the problem themselves. Of course he'd build a hotel if asked to do so. He'd be a fool not to. Right now he wants the women and children in homes where they don't have to worry about rubble falling on them or dud bombs suddely exploding and killing kids and everyone nearby. He is about saving lives as far back as I can remember him talking politics. I've been researching him since the end of 2016, that's why I I'm glad I switched to Republican to vote for him in 2016 after 62 yrs a registered democrat..

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That’s very sweet and nice but not reality! Trump wants to build a new Monaco in Gaza. And he wants all the native Palestinians to leave.

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Yes! The Jews killed President McKinley to allow the federal reserve back to print fiat currency!

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Later dude

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Spot on.

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And I would like to know where Secret Service was the whole time. This could have ended real badly.😡

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Yes, I read it. He tried to hold a calm conversation with them to ease his daughter's fear, but finally left when he saw they weren't really interested or want to talk, just harass.

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Republican adjourns hearing after blowup over McBride introduction.

This is an example of a perverse Repurvican didn’t like a real Republican referring to a person born a man as mister. The weirdo Bush’s and relative O’Bama must be proud of this perverse Repurvican. Trump has his work cut out for him. These people need to be executed.

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Video shows chase, struggle after man stabbed alleged thief in Pembroke Pines.

They are prosecuting a person who stabbed a person stealing his shit. You have a right per me to protect your shit.

Kill any mofo who takes yo shit. If Judges don’t like it kill them and prosecutes. F dem mofo’s.

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To Russia, with love? Why some in West are heading east to start over.

Maybe it’s because of the fact that Russia has artworks in their subways and we have the dead body of raped women?

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I’m really angry with foreign owned media, they can’t stop lying about Trump, every word out of their mouth is a lie. These people call themselves human for not saying anything negative about our enemies, criminals, cartels, thieves or liars? I want to execute all of them Soros-Rothschilds flunkies. Hitler even though a Jew was correct. He confronted this enemy back then.

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The Dropkick Murphys took the shirt off the Trump supporter's back.

Nobody attacked them for their political opinions, but they complain Trump people are anti democracy. Example after example proves these people are Satanic, demonic, anti democracy, it’s time to kill all these type of people. Not because of their opinions but because they are not human and must be gassed in showers.

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So he is not. a rapist, he is not one who lost millions in debt, he is not one who pays his workers, he was not convicted numerous crimes, he went in the military, and fought for us all for our freedom, he did not befriend anti-Semites, he abhors Putin and other fascists he has not called himself a king, he has not plan to run again for President, he supports those children starving, and want to keep Social Security because he knows people pays to do so, and he does not need money is while he does not ask rich people to support him.

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Wow, whoever fed you all that BS and buffalo biscuits sure piled it deep. You are positively wallowing in it, All of the smears you demonrats tried against Trump has been debunked long ago, with receipts. Where were you when it was released - with proof? Now research Lindsey! Your own research, not that put out by the deep state MSM and spoon fed to the gullible who'll eat it up like dessert. Yes, I was one of those gullible fools from 1953 until 2008, when I started using my own brain to think with. I will form my own opinions if there is proof to back them up. I admit I was a fool back then, but no more! Now, 'nuff said. All will soon be exposed and you'll understand what I'm telling you. Think, and research - look for the receipts! It hurts less when you learn on your own that your icons have been lying to you. I know - from experience!!

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