I really wanted Larry Elders to win when he ran but running as a conservative out in California is a hard mountain to climb let alone get on top! I would vote for Larry if I lived in California. The guy that called in just wanted to bash someone and if he doesn’t like Larry why is he listening to his show? The caller was a democrat fool like most democrats are! I want to see 2.0 more. Where is 2.0?

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Running as an American is even tough when a nation turns it's back on it's immigration laws and allows the invaders to take over it's politics. This where nearly 50% of the entire country's votes are, although none of them are legitimate. Bearstar Strategies pawn Kamala Harris ran her campaign with Latinos as the priority while her manager was Julie Chavez (granddaughter of Cesar Chavez, who's bust replaced Winston Churchill's in the Biden Oval Office). She was the top advisor to Biden pitching the Latino takeover and mockery of our laws and citizenship. The part of the country in which up to 10 million American citizens are living in the streets while millions of Mexican citizens are making 6-figure salaries and living high on the Cerdo. Other Bearstar notables are the illegal alien Xavier Becerra (attorney for 6 months before being confirmed as HHS Secretary without questioning his legal status, and Alex Padilla another illegitimate elected to office by illegal aliens voting in out elections. Listen to this man and his horrible broken English. He will tell you that his constituents are the citizens of Mexico. You won't have to ask...

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He voted for Kamala Harris so nothing needs to be said after that, he’s DISMISSED.

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Larry, really think about this, “How Many Morons, say Obiden or B Clinton” actually EVER APOLOGIZE???

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Dudes obviously just a person who thinks talking calm means they know something? Trouble maker

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He's the perfect example of what the Black liberal has been reduced to. I bet he's barely scraping by while the illegal aliens get the lion's share of all opportunities. In the Newsom recall, all citizen Republicans and Demoncats could have voted for Larry Elder and the illegal aliens still would have clobbered us by the sheer numbers. Newsom's wife even thanked the "immigrants" after. This is what happens when Americans are indoctrinated to accept the invader or to actually believe that their children are American citizens. Americans are dumb...

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Many many people agreed with Larry which star do you live on pal?

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And another stolen election.

Can elections be investigated?

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Let's look at reality for a moment. When have you ever seen a Democrat that wasn't talking people down or talking America down? They constantly spew gloom and doom. This is a trait of demons and demonic persecution. Nothing positive, hate, lies , and anything close to the truth is skewed. It's either their way or no way at all. They have to be calling the shots. There is absolutely no common ground with these bastards. I never make any attempt to waste my time even trying. When people start realizing that you can't reason with a rock, then we can start to come back to sanity and once and for all dismiss these monsters as nothing more then a cancer on society. These people are the result of the Hippie movement of the 60s.

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They stole that election… I think Larry Elder would have won with a fair election

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It's Mexico. Of course they stole the election...

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Love seeing conservatives and Republicans are finally taking a stand and calling out the ignorance of anti American socialist communist liberal bullies.

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No one even mentions the National Council of La Raza, the illegal alien invasion and its Reconquista agenda. All one has to do is browse the California's School District's Chicano Studies textbook, "The Mexican American Heritage." On page 84 there it shows a redrawn map of Mexico and the U.S., showing Mexico with most of the territory, all of it taken back from the America (without a receipt).

On page 107, it says "Latinos are now realizing that the power to control Aztlan may once again be in their hands." The majority of illegal aliens are going to the sanctuary Southwest Aztlan states of CA, AZ, NM, CO, TX, UT and NV. Mexicans call the seven states Aztlan, which is the territory ceded to the US by the Republic of Mexico as part of the Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo of 1848, after the U.S./Mexican War.

Come to Los Angeles Mexico and see firsthand. Back in 2013 La Raza Latino Assemblyman Gil "One Bill" Cedillo's AB60 was passed (which hands driver's licenses with automatic voter registration to to his illegal alien countrymen). American citizens were reduced to irrelevancy as Mexican citizens became priority and controlled the outcomes of all elections. The entire California State Senate of Mexico rewrote nearly all laws and created new laws to give illegal aliens the advantage and first picks over citizens.

National Council of La Raza Latinos have taken over the City Council, Supervisor, District Attorney, City Attorney, Insurance Commissioner, LAPD (89% Latino), LA Sheriff's Department (100% Latino/17,926 strong ), CA Highway Patrol (98% Latino), LA Fire Department (78% Latino), LA Coroner, LA Ports Director, all Union bosses, and Labor bosses, City and County Workers, construction workers, truck drivers, delivery drivers, LA Newspaper writers and opinion, local TV news anchors and reporters, and the overwhelming majority of the 600+ car crashes each day. All Latinos. There are 34 Spanish language radio stations. Go to a Bank of America/Wells Fargo/Citi Bank, shopping, supermarkets, coffee shops, purchase a phone at a T-Mobile store, go to a restaurant, or to any fast food restaurant -- anywhere, every employee and manager are all Latino. They are passing the BAR as noncitizens; have become judges; they are the overwhelming majority of children in our schools. Look at the Newsom recall race and what demographic Kamala Harris (Bearstar Strategies) pandered to for verify just how many illegal aliens have poured into the state. 17 additional states under Latino control have adopted this theft. They have made a mockery and disgrace of our Fourteenth Amendment. It has become the means to wage demographic warfare and to give the Latino majority Demoncat Party electoral hegemony through lawlessness.

This is the largest theft and disrespectful imposition in our nation's history...

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