Mom's HORRIFYING Response to Trans Regret Question is Heartbreaking
"That's the least of my worries!"
Daily Wire reporter Mary Margaret Olohan asked the mom of a transgender son what if they regretted permanent gender transitioning one day.
Her response will HAUNT you…
”A lot of people think that children shouldn’t be able to (transition) until they’re 18 given a lot of these procedures are irreversible,” Olohan told the mom, who was there supporting the right for minors to access gender surgeries.
She was one of many who arrived at SCOTUS last week as justices considered a Tennessee law banning the use of puberty blockers and hormone therapy on minors.
“Hormone therapy isn’t really irreversible,” the mom claimed. “His voice would remain deeper, but otherwise it would be reversible.”
“What if he’s like ‘I don’t have breast, I can’t breastfeed my children. I realized I’m actually a woman and now I can’t breastfeed my kids.’?” Olohan asked.
The mom’s response is unbelievable: “I bottle-fed and breastfed,… That’s kinda the least of my worries”
Watch the rest of the shocking interview:
I don’t like the post. My 23 yr old grandson wants to be a woman and this is way deeper than just a want. This is a demonic spirit and all these kids need GOD !!!!
The child will probably be infertile as a result and that is irreversible!